The easiest way to answer this question is: In general, wherever you like!
In Australia, a Civil Marriage Celebrant has authority to solemnize a marriage anywhere within the mainland of Australia, that does not have restricted access via another authority.
You might choose to get married in your favourite holiday destination – like the beach house you stay at every year, or on the beach itself, or in the local botanic gardens… or even somewhere local or a small town to help support the little guys?... the list is endless!.
I’ve been asked to marry people in their cars for a “drive-thru” wedding, I’ve solemnized marriages on the beach and in parks – I’ve even performed marriages for people in their own backyards, with one being in their lounge room! One of the biggest things for me is trying my best to be able to help you to get married in the place you want, and at the time you want. I do have a wedding coming up at 12:05am on Halloween, I even get to dress up as Dracula! That is going to be so very exciting, and I’m looking forward to it very much!
Oh, it also helps if it’s accessible to your vendors and guests! I have to say, carrying things through a 4km hike, two creek crossings and a rock climb isn’t my favourite thing in the world, haha – but if it’s where you want your ceremony, I’ll do what I can to make it happen!
A common misconception that I hear often is that a Ship or Airplane Captain can solemnize a marriage – they can, however only if that individual is also an Authorised, Registered Marriage Celebrant under Australian Law. Having said that, you can get married on a boat within 12 Nautical Miles of land, and similarly on a plane within 12 Nautical Miles up in the air!
You can also be married on some islands that are part of Australia, such as Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island to name a few. It’s also true in those cases that only an Authorised Australian Marriage Celebrant can solemnize your marriage to have it registered in Australia.
What do you think is the most outrageous place you could marry someone? I’d love to hear from you on my Facebook page, go to www.facebook.com/christophermcleancmc to get involved in the conversation!
~ Chris, Celebrant
0438 852 910
CREDIT: This fantastic photo of a lighthouse is from the below website. No affiliation or paid promotion from me, I just think it’s a great photo! Not a bad website to visit either, for some great tips on places to visit.